Feeding RadarPlane

Thanks for your interest in feeding RadarPlane. It's people like you that keep the data open and uncensored!

Feed Status
We are not detecting any feeder from your IP :(

Your current IP is being detected as

Please note that it might take up to 3 minutes for your feed to be detected here.

Instructions to Claim Your Feed

Once your feed is up, refresh this page from the same network as the feeder. It might take a couple of minutes for your feed to update. Once the feed shows up and sends at least one position, click the 'Claim' button to obtain the feeder role.

"Hamster Mode" - Manual

Update your feeder software to send data into the following locations:

BEAST: feed.radarplane.com port 30001

Make sure to set the format to beast_reduce_plus_out or you won't be able to claim your feed!s

MLAT: feed.radarplane.com port 31090

Install Script

Our installation scripts are available on our Github repository: RadarPlane/feedclient. These scripts aid in setting up your current ADS-B receiver to feed RadarPlaner.com without disrupting any existing feed clients already present.

They can be installed using the following instructions:

# Find coordinates / elevation:
# https://www.freemaptools.com/elevation-finder.htm

# Install the radarplane.com feed client
curl -L -o /tmp/rdpfeed.sh https://radarplane.com/feed.sh
sudo bash /tmp/rdpfeed.sh

# Install the radarplane.com stats client
wget -O /tmp/rpstats.sh https://radarplane.com/stats.sh
sudo bash /tmp/rpstats.sh

For more details, troubleshooting and uninstallation instructions, please refer to the README on our Github repository.

Docker (Using sdr-enthusiasts/docker-readsb-protobuf)

For details on how to feed with Docker refer to the Github README

This is an early alpha version of RadarPlane and is currently in active development. Features may be limited or incomplete. Join our Discord community for updates and to provide feedback.
Version: 0.0.25